Friday, December 6, 2013

Stay with us!

Hello everyone,

The November 30th deadline is behind us but it is not too late if you still want to renew your plot for next year. Please mail your membership form in and money asap.

Looking forward to a great season in 2014!

Keep checking back to our events page as we will be holding a few events throughout the winter.

Enjoy the Holidays!


Renewal forms and information can be found here:


Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NB Community Harvest Gardens AGM next week

Mark your calendars for this years AGM.

NBCHG Annual General Meeting
Location: Greener Village Community Food Centre, 686 Riverside Drive, Fredericton
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
5:00PM Potluck
6:00PM AGM

Please email me at if you need a rideshare.

See below for information from Vadini:

Good Day, 

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on November 13th, 2013 in the Teaching Kitchen at the Greener Village Community Food Centre's (686 Riverside Drive). We would like to meet for a Potluck supper at 5pm and then get down to the business of the AGM at 6pm

Please see the attached Agenda for the meeting. We will review this past year's work and achievements, followed by the election of our executive. All NBCHG members are welcome to submit their nominations for the following positions: 
- Treasurer
- Secretary 
- St. Mary's Garden Coordinator
- Marysville Garden Coordinator
- Communications Officer I
- Communications Officer II
- Liaison Officer

Nominations can be submitted in advance by email, or at the AGM. For more information on these positions, please email 

Thank you

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another beautiful day

Yesterdays maintenance day was absolutely wonderful. It was great to see you all  and the garden is looking great. Thanks to everyone the community beds are cleared out and some garlic was planted. If you have yet to renew your membership for next year the membership form can be found here: You must complete this survey as well: click here for survey. If you want the same plot for next year you must renew by NOVEMBER 30TH, 2013, anytime after that we cannot guarantee you will have a plot as we start accepting new garden members.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Maintenance day Saturday Nov. 2nd 1:30-4pm

Hello gardeners,
Just a reminder of our fall cleanup this Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 1:30-4pm at the garden, 780 McEvoy st. This cleanup is the last one scheduled for the year.
The goal is to have all plots put to bed for the winter.  However, if you have usable plants in your plot that you would like to keep in or are unable to clear your plot out yourself please contact me at
We will need help clearing out the community beds as well as clearing up the pathways. Even if your plot has been put to bed for the season please consider coming out to help others around the garden.
Hope to see you all one more time before the snow starts to fall!

St. Mary's Garden Coordinator
p.s If you want to fill your day with garden related stuff The Greener Village is hosting a workshop on composting. See below for details.
"Alison Juta will be exploring composting in her upcoming workshop "Introduction to Backyard Composting". This workshop will look at the various forms of composting, including leaf composting and the open 3-bin system. Weather permitting, there will be a hands-on demonstration. This is an excellent opportunity to bring your questions and ideas to Alison, who has a range of composting and organic gardening experience. This workshop is funded by the Environmental Trust Fund and is free to all and will be held on November 2nd from 10:00AM to 12:30PM at Greener Village."

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall Clean up this Saturday!

Hello gardeners,

We will be having another fall clean up this Saturday, November 2nd from 1:30-4pm at the garden, 780 McEvoy st. Even if your plot is cleared we still have lots of work to do in the common areas. Please join us!
What did harvest from your plot this year? Either by weight if you used the scale or approximately if you didn't (e.g 10 medium carrots, hand full or beans, etc.) Please email me the information for your plot.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered or showed up to the Fall Harvest Festival this year! It was absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me. If anyone has pictures from the day can you please email some to me?
Thanks again,
St. Mary's Garden Coordinator

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Garlic planting + Clean up Saturday 1:30-4pm

Our next maintenance day is scheduled for October 12th from 1:30-4pm. As an added attraction John Long will be demonstrating how to plant garlic. BYOG (Bring your own garlic) and we will help you plant your own!

We were previously planning on following this up with a potluck but unfortunately we are going to have to cancel the potluck portion. We will still be out in the garden from 1:30-4pm to plant garlic and work on some general maintenance. Please join us!

Look at that beautiful compost John is holding. Come spread some on your plot before it disappears.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Time to clean up!

Another wonderful maintenance day. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who keep the garden beautiful!

There are still many plots that need to be tended to. We found these beautiful peppers hiding in someones plot and waiting to be picked. If you are unable to come up to your plot please contact me at or 506-292-7646 and we can get someone to take care of it for you!

Our wonderful maintenance leader, John Long with a big bunch of carrots he pulled from his plot. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Get ready for fall maintenance!

Here are some photos from last years fall clean up. Time is coming. Our next maintenance day is scheduled for October 12th from 1:30-4pm. As an added attraction John Long will be demonstrating how to plant garlic. BYOG (Bring your own garlic) and we will help you plant your own! 

Monday, September 9, 2013

Keeping track of harvest

Hello everyone,

It is important to keep track of our harvest so we can use the data to keep track of our community impact and to help us get funding. Please use the scale located in the shed and the papers on the bulletin board to keep track of your harvest before you take it home. Thanks!


Thursday, August 15, 2013

Hi Everyone,

This weekend is our Garden Fest and we're getting very excited! 

Please see the attached flyer for information. The Garden Fest is a great opportunity to come together and celebrate a our gardens! It's a great time to relax and meet your gardening neighbors. We will be at the community gardens at the St. Mary's Anglican Church on Saturday August 17th from 1-5pm (rain date August 24th) and there will be music and other entertainment. The event is open to everyone, so please share. 

See you on Saturday!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Keeping the garden beautiful

On Saturday August 10 many members came out to help clean up the garden and make it even more beautiful than it already was.  

As you have probably heard, we are inviting the world (well, Fredericton at least) to come visit the garden next Saturday for Gardenfest, so we wanted things to be looking ship-shape!   

You still have time to get out this week to get your plot ready for Saturday.  Have you checked to see if it's time to harvest?  We saw lots of ripe tomatoes, and we don't want to see food going to waste.  If you can't or don't want to harvest your food, let us know, and others might be able to use it.  

Some of the tasks that got done on Saturday included... 

  • Pathways were weeded
  • The last of the manure pile by the parking lot got distributed 
  • A groundhog deflector panel was installed at the bottom of the main gate
  • Compost piles were rotated and piles of sticks were removed
  • Garbage bins were emptied
  • Painted garden signs in the shed were mounted on stakes (if you've been waiting for your sign, it's ready!) 
Thanks to Marie-Eve, here are a few pictures from the work day...

Sabine and some prizewinning onions!
Carol working hard, as usual! 

Carol's beautiful borage
Freshly harvested
Hannah and Sabine - what's so funny? 
Men working!  Rob and John working on the compost piles

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A letter from one of our members regarding theft


I just wanted to write, and perhaps have you share this with other I went to check my garden and found that SOMEONE has CUT off my BEAUTIFUL CAULIFLOWER!!! Now maybe it's not a big deal to a lot of people, but we are a family of 5...with one small income STRUGGLING to make ends meet..and I can NOT afford to go out to the grocery store and buy things like fresh cauliflower/broccoli etc...My children deserve to have the opportunity to eat fresh produce, and enjoy their gardening work...yes my 11, 6 and 2 yr old have been working hard helping me garden and grow this food and were VERY excited that we were SUPPOSED to be having fresh cauliflower and cheese sauce for supper...and I had to come home and tell them we couldn' imagine how that felt.

My children already have to go without A LOT of things...there are no summer trips to just buy toys..and not much there for birthdays and christmas...because I am not able to work so we live off ONE income to pay EVERYTHING. We've been through A LOT financially this past year..including NO INCOME for 4 months..and I had to scrape and save change to go out and actually buy plants and seeds this year to HAVE a garden..I went without medications myself in order to be able to do so...this hurts more than you can imagine that someone would do this!!!!

It HAD to be someone KNOWING what they were coming to do as it was CUT cleanly off the was the biggest..the best of the 4 I had...I am so hurt you just can't even put it into words...and my children even more so. WHOMEVER thought it was ok to go out and STEAL someone elses took food LITERALLY off of my childrens plates...children who really don't have much in the first place..and COUNT on the garden crops for their fresh produce...I hope it feels wonderful to know that..and be such a thoughtless pig to do it! IMAGINE YOUR FAMILY HAVING TO GO WITHOUT FOOD BECAUSE SOMEONE THOUGHT THEY SHOULD STEAL THEIR FOOD FROM THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a bad sense of community!

If anyone feels the need to harvest from someone elses plot please remember that plots marked "Community´´ are open to all members.  Please resist the urge to harvest from individual plots. Lots of hard work has gone into them. The entire border plot shown below is a free community plot!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Garden clean-up August 10th!

Our next garden clean up will be August 10th from 1:30-4pm.

Look at the changes in the garden since May!


A BIG THANK YOU to all our volunteers that come out each week to help with the garden.

I hope you are all enjoying the community plots this year. Remember, any plot marked "Community" is open to everyone to plant, weed and harvest. Enjoy!

Friday, June 28, 2013

June 29th Mainenance Day

Hopefully the rain will slow down so we can get into the garden for some maintenance. St. Mary's Community Garden, 780 McEvoy st. from 1:30-4pm. Please dress for the weather!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Cucumber Beetles in the Garden!

Look out for cucumber beetles up in the garden. If you are planting any kind of squash or cucumber be sure to cover them with a fine mesh. Cucumber beetles can be picked off individually and squished. They don't just go after cucumber plants, they will eat radishes, kale, rhubarb and more. Click here for more information on cucumber beetles

Backyard Birding with Jim Goltz

Slideshow to come.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Backyard Birding with Jim Goltz

Hello Gardeners,

Just a reminder that tomorrow evening we will be having an evening social. Top biologist and naturalist, Jim Goltz will be there to give a talk on backyard birding. We will be starting at 7pm, St. Mary's Anglican Church, 780 McEvoy st. Feel free to bring snacks to share. Coffee and tea will be served. Everyone is welcome, bring your friends, this is a FREE event.

Hope to see you all there,

St. Mary's Garden Coordinator

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Maintenance Day : June 9th

Another wonderful maintenance day, unfortunately I couldn't be there to take pictures of all the action.  I did get to stop by later in the day to take photos of the all the finished work, it looks beautiful. Hope to see you all at the next one on June 22.

Friday, June 7, 2013

Maintenance day rescheduled for Sunday June 9th, 1:30-4pm

Hello Gardeners,

It is looking like tomorrow is going to be awfully wet. We are rescheduling the maintenance day for the following day. Sunday June 9th from 1:30-4pm up at the garden (780 McEvoy st.). Rain or Shine! Please dress for the weather.

If your plot is already planted please consider coming out anyways to help us lay down fresh wood chips over the paths and weed/plant the community plots. Hopefully we will be able to have our paints and blank signs out for sign painting.
Have a wonderful weekend!

St.Mary's Garden Coordinator