Friday, February 22, 2013

Come on out! NBCHG Workshops have begun!

Thank you to Shelley for hosting the first workshop of the year. "Beginners Guide to Buying Seeds" was a great success!  

The next workshop is "Small Plot or Container Gardening for Beginners" hosted by Alison Juta on February 28th, 7pm at 780 McEvoy st. 

Remember all workshops are FREE with your annual membership so come on out! 

If you do not have anywhere to garden consider applying for a plot with us. Marysville Community Garden also has space available. Find the applications here.

If you could not make it out keep an eye out on under 'Grow Minds' for the video from the workshop.

To see the videos or hand outs from last years workshops click here.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Thank you all for coming out to our first event of the year!

Thank you for coming out to our first event of the year. The signs look beautiful and we have a good supply of seeds for our next seed swap.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Get Growing!

One of the joys of gardening is starting to plan your garden even when it's cold outside.  The light is starting to return and soon the sun will be warming us up, and warming the soil in our gardens.  So ignore the cold, and come out to St. Mary's Church hall on Saturday February 16 from 2-4 pm and start getting ready for next year's gardening season! 

The 2013 garden season at St. Mary's Community Garden is going to be focused on getting to know our garden neighbours.  And this first event of the year will help us get started.  Come out, bring the kids, or just your own creativity and paint a sign to identify your own garden plot.  We will also have seeds for swapping (bring some along if you have extras to share).  Enjoy a hot beverage or two and share your garden ideas or learn from your neighbours – what seeds they are planting this year, what worked and didn't work last year, etc.

So come and get growing with us!  We're looking forward to seeing you soon.