Friday, May 24, 2013

Garden Clean up for May 25th RESCHEDULED TO MAY 26th 1-4pm

Hello everyone,
The clean up scheduled for this Saturday from 1-4pm at St. Mary's Community Garden will be postponed to the following day due to heavy rain in the forecast. Sunday will still be quite wet and they are calling for light rain so please dress for the weather and bring along beverages for yourself and anything else you may need. We will be working on cleaning up the paths, filling raised beds, filling in grass in front of the garden, planting community plots and much more. Please bring along any extra seeds you may have laying around.
St. Mary's Community Garden Clean up
Sunday May 26th 1-4pm RAIN OR SHINE
Hope to see you there,
St. Mary's Community Garden Coordinator

Monday, May 13, 2013

Extend Your Growing Season NBCHG WORKSHOP

Another wonderful workshop hosted by NBCHG. Handouts and the video from the workshop can be found here. Click on the pictures to see them larger.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

St. Mary's Yard Sale Saturday May 11th, 8am- noon. FREE SEEDS AND SEEDLINGS!

St. Mary's Church is having a yard sale this Saturday from 8:00 to noon.  Last year this was a huge event which offered a large quantity of worthwhile items, and this year will likely be the same.

As another incentive to attend, the Saint Mary's Community Garden is having a seed and plant swap table, with items free for the taking.  

Anyone who has seedlings, plants, seeds, unused garden equipment, literature, etc. to donate can call John Long at 472-7901 (leave a message if necessary) to ask him to pick up your stuff - as long as you live in town - on Thursday or Friday evening. As an alternative to John's pickup service, you can drop your plants off at 740 Dobie (Sabine's house) on Friday, or leave them in the garden this week for Suzanne to pick up. You can also just bring seeds to the yard sale for our  'swap box.' 

If donating plants or seeds please write a note identifying your plants or seedlings as well as any special directions for their care. 

At least one person will be on duty at the table throughout the sale to explain and chat, but we can probably use more helpers for that, so if you can come and stay a while, please do. Email me for more information on volunteering. (