Wednesday, November 6, 2013

NB Community Harvest Gardens AGM next week

Mark your calendars for this years AGM.

NBCHG Annual General Meeting
Location: Greener Village Community Food Centre, 686 Riverside Drive, Fredericton
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm
5:00PM Potluck
6:00PM AGM

Please email me at if you need a rideshare.

See below for information from Vadini:

Good Day, 

Our Annual General Meeting will be held on November 13th, 2013 in the Teaching Kitchen at the Greener Village Community Food Centre's (686 Riverside Drive). We would like to meet for a Potluck supper at 5pm and then get down to the business of the AGM at 6pm

Please see the attached Agenda for the meeting. We will review this past year's work and achievements, followed by the election of our executive. All NBCHG members are welcome to submit their nominations for the following positions: 
- Treasurer
- Secretary 
- St. Mary's Garden Coordinator
- Marysville Garden Coordinator
- Communications Officer I
- Communications Officer II
- Liaison Officer

Nominations can be submitted in advance by email, or at the AGM. For more information on these positions, please email 

Thank you

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Another beautiful day

Yesterdays maintenance day was absolutely wonderful. It was great to see you all  and the garden is looking great. Thanks to everyone the community beds are cleared out and some garlic was planted. If you have yet to renew your membership for next year the membership form can be found here: You must complete this survey as well: click here for survey. If you want the same plot for next year you must renew by NOVEMBER 30TH, 2013, anytime after that we cannot guarantee you will have a plot as we start accepting new garden members.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Maintenance day Saturday Nov. 2nd 1:30-4pm

Hello gardeners,
Just a reminder of our fall cleanup this Saturday, Nov. 2nd from 1:30-4pm at the garden, 780 McEvoy st. This cleanup is the last one scheduled for the year.
The goal is to have all plots put to bed for the winter.  However, if you have usable plants in your plot that you would like to keep in or are unable to clear your plot out yourself please contact me at
We will need help clearing out the community beds as well as clearing up the pathways. Even if your plot has been put to bed for the season please consider coming out to help others around the garden.
Hope to see you all one more time before the snow starts to fall!

St. Mary's Garden Coordinator
p.s If you want to fill your day with garden related stuff The Greener Village is hosting a workshop on composting. See below for details.
"Alison Juta will be exploring composting in her upcoming workshop "Introduction to Backyard Composting". This workshop will look at the various forms of composting, including leaf composting and the open 3-bin system. Weather permitting, there will be a hands-on demonstration. This is an excellent opportunity to bring your questions and ideas to Alison, who has a range of composting and organic gardening experience. This workshop is funded by the Environmental Trust Fund and is free to all and will be held on November 2nd from 10:00AM to 12:30PM at Greener Village."