Tuesday, November 18, 2014

AGM and Volunteer Appreciation

Annual General Meeting & Volunteer Appreciation PotluckDate: Friday, 21 November 2014 
Time: 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM 
Location: St. Mary's Anglican Church, 780 McEvoy Street

AGM at 6PM & Potluck supper at 6:30PM

Join us as we review the accomplishments of NBCHG and celebrate our wonderful volunteers with a ceremony and potluck.

The AGM is your opportunity as an active member to make decisions about the future of our organization. We will review this past year’s work and achievements and elect our new executive.

The Nominating Committee is looking for persons who have interests or experience in Fund Sourcing, Membership, Workshops or Events to bolster our board. You can submit a nomination in advance by email, or at the AGM. For more information, send an email to info@nbchg.org

We’re also celebrating our amazing volunteers with a potluck supper.

We’d like you to bring a favorite dish to share so that we can raise our glasses (and plates) to people whose hard work have made us into the NBCHG we are today.

Bring a dish to share!

Use healthy local food, if you can!

Remember to label the ingredients in your dishes!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Sign up for Maintenance at St. Mary's Community Garden

Hi everyone, 

I have emailed a sign-up sheet to make signing up for various maintenance tasks easy (I hope). If you need detailed directions for a task you sign up for (like compost crew), feel free to contact me.   I tried to make it simple and hope we can fill in the slots quickly. 

Don’t forget this Saturday from 1-4 is our maintenance day for June.  We will carry on rain or shine, come one, come all, invite your friends or family to join in.  Don’t forget to dress for the weather.  And bring drinks and snacks, if the weather if half decent, we can share.   I hope to plant veggies in our community beds, move the compost, and work on weeding the walk ways and turn the compost piles.  It is a good opportunity to meet other garden members and talk with a mentor if you have any questions. 

CLICK HERE to sign up. 

Thanks and see you Saturday,

Carol Muncer
Garden Coordinator 

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

FROST WARNING, Plant Swap and Marysville Maintenance Day

There is a frost warning for tonight (May 28th.) If you have tomato or pepper plants in please cover them up! A sheet or plastic will protect them from frost, use stakes so whatever you use does not put too much pressure on the new plants. For more information see here.

PLANT SWAP: On Saturday, May 31, 8:00 to noon, Saint Mary's Church is having their annual indoor yard sale, and we gardeners are going to be represented with a plant swap/giveaway table.  
You are definitely going to want to check this event out.  The church's big, beautiful yard sale is always worth going to, and the plant table will give you an additional reason to go. If you have surplus vegetable or flower seedlings, houseplants, etc., please bring them to the church on Friday, May 30, between noon and 6pm, and leave them on the garden table. (Or under it, if it's filled up).  
You might also choose to contribute some plants to the church to sell. Don't forget to water your plants if appropriate, as they might be there for the better part of 24 hours.

MARYSVILLE COMMUNITY GARDEN: You are all invited to come check out Marysville Community Garden (20 McGloin st.) this Saturday from 10am-1pm. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Newsletter and workshop update

Hello everyone,

Please take a look at the Newsletter that our wonderful garden coordinator, Carol Muncer has made. NEWSLETTER

There was some confusion on the dates of our workshops as we had to cancel one. Gluten Freedom was held this week and will not be held next week. Here is the updates schedule:

Yogurt - A Very Cultured Affair:  To be announced
Barley - More Than Just Soup: Wednesday April 23rd 
Gluten Freedom: Wednesday April 30th

Monday, April 28, 2014

Special Cross Canada Speakers' Tour

St. Mary's Maintenance Day, Seed Library and Sign Painting!

Gardeners: this is a reminder about our first Maintenance Day next Saturday, May 3rd from 1-4pm. St. Mary's Community Garden, 780 McEvoy st. All are welcome to attend! 

Do come to it. There are spring preparations to be made before planting time.
It might very well be too wet to work in the garden, though. Even if we can't,  we are going to have other planned activities indoors, as follows: 

The Seed Library. Come check us out. We have vegetables you can plant with the intention of returning some of their seeds to us, and this is the Seed Library proper. Please note, though, that we also have seeds that can be just planted, harvested and eaten. These are the seeds that would be hard to save, e.g. carrot, which is a biennial.  

A chance to plant seeds in peat pots and bring them home for later placing in your garden.  We're hoping that lots of children get involved with this.  If you have a sunny window and are itching to plant something, this is for you. It certainly is way too early now to direct-seed anything outdoors.

Sign painting. If you haven't yet painted a sign to personalize your plot, this is your chance.  

We hope to see lots and lots of people on May 3rd, rain or shine. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Tonight's workshops CANCELLED

Hello Everyone, 

It's messy out there and many people have been affected by floods and so we must re-schedule tonight's Cooking Local Workshop.

Yogurt - A Very Cultured Affair:  To be announced
Barley - More Than Just Soup: Wednesday April 23rd 
Gluten Freedom: Wednesday April 30th

Thank you
NBCHG Communication Team

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Calling all volunteers!

VOLUNTEER: GARDEN FEST 2014 Planning committee

This summer's 3rd Annual Garden Fest needs a special planning committee. The Saint Mary's Events Committee has scheduled the event for August 16, rain date August 23, and it will probably be held in Marysville.  
For those unlucky enough to have missed out on Garden Fest in the past, it's an outdoor musical festival, held for the last two years at St. Mary's Community Garden: a celebration of garden and community, featuring local performers.  A warm, cheerful celebration is what it's been, and we think we should continue the tradition.

If you would like to make yourself available for several meetings and a few hours of work between now and mid-August, contact Madeleine  madeleineberrevoets@gmail.com 


We need mentors to help and guide those in our group with limited or no experience with gardens.  We are planning to have mentorship days (four Sunday afternoons in May and June), and we also suggest that our volunteers wear their special identification (we are looking at getting pins or bandanas) whenever they are in the garden so people will know to come and ask questions.  If you have an area of specialty (e.g. square foot gardening, growing herbs...) or experience please let us know.

If you would like to be a mentor, contact Carol Muncer   muncer4813@rogers.com

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cooking workshops coming soon to a kitchen near you!

Register today for upcoming cooking local workshops starting April 9th. These are held at the new Greener Village Community Food Center, 686 Riverside Drive. Cost is $5 for NBCHG members or $10 for non-members. You can fill in an application form at one of our workshops to become a member, the cost is $10 a year.
To register contact Sandi at 471-0937 or NBCHGardens@gmail.com

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tonight's workshop is on!

Happy Spring, everyone!

Just wanted to confirm that tonight's "Healthy Soil, Less Toil" gardening workshop is still on, despite the recent snowfall. 

Our presenter, Alison Juta will show you how good soil is more than just dirt!

Come join us tonight, Thursday, March 20th at 7PM at St. Mary's Anglican Church - 780 McEvoy Street in Fredericton. 

Cost of the workshop is $10 for non-members or included in your 2014 NBCHG membership. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Healthy Soil, Less Toil

Don't miss this weeks workshop with Alison Juta.

"Healthy Soil, Less Toil"
Thursday, March 20th, 2014
7:00PM - 8:30PM
St. Mary's Anglican Church
Presenter: Alison Juta
Good soil is more than just dirt - learn how to improve your soil...naturally!

Cost: $10 non-members or included with $10 yearly NBCHG membership 
Bring a friend!

Thursday, March 13, 2014



Container and Vertical Gardening
Thursday, March 27th, 2014
7:00PM - 8:30PM
St. Mary's Anglican Church
Presenter: Alison Juta
Live in an apartment with limited access to land? Learn creative ways to grow fresh veggies in containers and up walls & balconies.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Garden Workshops + Events Committee

Garden Workshops have started! Tonight join Alison Juta as she teaches us how to grow food in small spaces. Free Childcare on site. No registration required. $10 non-members FREE to all members. 780 McEvoy st.

Volunteer with our events committee. First meeting of the year tonight from 6-7pm at 780 McEvoy st. Contact Madeleine for more information or just show up! madeleineberrevoets@gmail.com, 292-7646.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Potluck and Seed Library Opening TODAY

Hello everyone,

We have been watching the weather and it looks like we are good for our event today. The roads are clear and the storm is not supposed to hit until later on.

Seed Library + Potluck
Feb 15th, 5-7pm
780 McEvoy st. Fredericton, NB

Come and join us on Feb 15, 5-7pm, (snow date Feb 23) at St Mary’s Church, 780 McEvoy St.  Bring something for the pot luck (include ingredient list for allergies), and help us celebrate the opening of the library. Join the library, borrow some seeds.

We are in the process of setting up a webpage including seed library resource information. Keep a look out for it :  NBseedlibrary.weebly.com

Hope Seeds is willing to give us a 33% discount on their small seed packets, but we must place one order with one payment.  Carol Muncer (your new Garden coordinator!) will be putting the order together. We need to send in the order quickly so people can start their seedlings.  You can access the catalogue for hope seeds on line(www.hopeseed.com).  She will need the cash and your order in an envelope with your name and contact information by February 24, 2014.   You can bring it on Feb 15 (snow date Feb23) to our library opening or drop it off at Carols house, 388 Crocket St, Fredericton. Carols phone number is 450-4813 if you have questions.
Hope to see you soon,

Marysville Garden Coordinator

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tonights workshop CANCELLED

Hi folks - in case you haven't heard, there's a big storm a-brewin' so unfortunately we have decided to cancel this evening's "Beginner's Guide to Buying Seeds" gardening workshop at St. Mary's Anglican Church.

 For those of you who had your heart set on hearing Shelley Pronk's fabulous presentation on the importance of heriloom varieties and what New Brunswick-hardy plants are best when you're first starting out - don't despair!!  Shelley's presentation from last year can still  be viewed on our website:http://nbchg.org/?page_id=1652

Next Thursday, February 20th, Alison Juta will be presenting "Jump Start Your Seedlings" workshop which will offer you hands-on beginner basics to starting your own seedlings indoors. 

NOTE:  All the seed catalogues we were going to hand out tonight will be there for your taking.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Seed Library Coming Soon!

Packaging seeds for the brand new seed library. See below for event details. Hope to see you there!  A huge thank you to all the wonderful volunteers!

February 15th, 2014: Seed Library Opening + Potluck 5-7pm

We're going to kick off the gardening year with the opening of the Seed Library.In case you missed Carol Muncer's excellent description, a seed library is an opportunity to "borrow" seeds, just as you would borrow books.  You sign out seeds of something you would like to plant, grow them, and, though you eat most of your produce, you let a few plants go to seed so you can (if all goes well)  return at least as many seeds as you borrowed to the library.  Seeds, like books, are expensive to buy.  This is a wonderful opportunity to get them free, and also, importantly, to promote food-growing self-sufficiency in our community.

This event will take place February 15th from 5:00 to 7:00 at Saint Mary's church, 780 McEvoy st.  The snow date is February 22, same time and place. We will start with a potluck at 5:00 and then open the library for borrowing.  if bringing something for the potluck please bring an ingredient list in case of allergies. Mark your calendar.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Time for a winter warmer!

January 16th, 2014: Winter Social 7-9pm 

As January starts to wear us down, we all want something fun to do.
Come join your fellow gardeners at St. Mary's church on Thursday, January 16, 7:00 to 9:00, for a Winter Social. We will be serving coffee and tea, and anyone who wants to can bring something yummy to go with it.  
If you have extra seeds to share, bring them for the seed swap.
If you don't yet have a sign to personalize your plot, there will be materials provided to make one.
Bring a guitar or other instrument, and we can have music.
Bring your gardening ideas to share.
For a warm, bright January evening, come out for this event.    
The snow date is January 23, same time and place.