Thursday, February 27, 2014

Garden Workshops + Events Committee

Garden Workshops have started! Tonight join Alison Juta as she teaches us how to grow food in small spaces. Free Childcare on site. No registration required. $10 non-members FREE to all members. 780 McEvoy st.

Volunteer with our events committee. First meeting of the year tonight from 6-7pm at 780 McEvoy st. Contact Madeleine for more information or just show up!, 292-7646.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Potluck and Seed Library Opening TODAY

Hello everyone,

We have been watching the weather and it looks like we are good for our event today. The roads are clear and the storm is not supposed to hit until later on.

Seed Library + Potluck
Feb 15th, 5-7pm
780 McEvoy st. Fredericton, NB

Come and join us on Feb 15, 5-7pm, (snow date Feb 23) at St Mary’s Church, 780 McEvoy St.  Bring something for the pot luck (include ingredient list for allergies), and help us celebrate the opening of the library. Join the library, borrow some seeds.

We are in the process of setting up a webpage including seed library resource information. Keep a look out for it :

Hope Seeds is willing to give us a 33% discount on their small seed packets, but we must place one order with one payment.  Carol Muncer (your new Garden coordinator!) will be putting the order together. We need to send in the order quickly so people can start their seedlings.  You can access the catalogue for hope seeds on line(  She will need the cash and your order in an envelope with your name and contact information by February 24, 2014.   You can bring it on Feb 15 (snow date Feb23) to our library opening or drop it off at Carols house, 388 Crocket St, Fredericton. Carols phone number is 450-4813 if you have questions.
Hope to see you soon,

Marysville Garden Coordinator

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Tonights workshop CANCELLED

Hi folks - in case you haven't heard, there's a big storm a-brewin' so unfortunately we have decided to cancel this evening's "Beginner's Guide to Buying Seeds" gardening workshop at St. Mary's Anglican Church.

 For those of you who had your heart set on hearing Shelley Pronk's fabulous presentation on the importance of heriloom varieties and what New Brunswick-hardy plants are best when you're first starting out - don't despair!!  Shelley's presentation from last year can still  be viewed on our website:

Next Thursday, February 20th, Alison Juta will be presenting "Jump Start Your Seedlings" workshop which will offer you hands-on beginner basics to starting your own seedlings indoors. 

NOTE:  All the seed catalogues we were going to hand out tonight will be there for your taking.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Seed Library Coming Soon!

Packaging seeds for the brand new seed library. See below for event details. Hope to see you there!  A huge thank you to all the wonderful volunteers!

February 15th, 2014: Seed Library Opening + Potluck 5-7pm

We're going to kick off the gardening year with the opening of the Seed Library.In case you missed Carol Muncer's excellent description, a seed library is an opportunity to "borrow" seeds, just as you would borrow books.  You sign out seeds of something you would like to plant, grow them, and, though you eat most of your produce, you let a few plants go to seed so you can (if all goes well)  return at least as many seeds as you borrowed to the library.  Seeds, like books, are expensive to buy.  This is a wonderful opportunity to get them free, and also, importantly, to promote food-growing self-sufficiency in our community.

This event will take place February 15th from 5:00 to 7:00 at Saint Mary's church, 780 McEvoy st.  The snow date is February 22, same time and place. We will start with a potluck at 5:00 and then open the library for borrowing.  if bringing something for the potluck please bring an ingredient list in case of allergies. Mark your calendar.