Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Fall Clean up this Saturday!

Hello gardeners,

We will be having another fall clean up this Saturday, November 2nd from 1:30-4pm at the garden, 780 McEvoy st. Even if your plot is cleared we still have lots of work to do in the common areas. Please join us!
What did harvest from your plot this year? Either by weight if you used the scale or approximately if you didn't (e.g 10 medium carrots, hand full or beans, etc.) Please email me the information for your plot.
A big THANK YOU to everyone who volunteered or showed up to the Fall Harvest Festival this year! It was absolutely wonderful. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera on me. If anyone has pictures from the day can you please email some to me?
Thanks again,
St. Mary's Garden Coordinator

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Garlic planting + Clean up Saturday 1:30-4pm

Our next maintenance day is scheduled for October 12th from 1:30-4pm. As an added attraction John Long will be demonstrating how to plant garlic. BYOG (Bring your own garlic) and we will help you plant your own!

We were previously planning on following this up with a potluck but unfortunately we are going to have to cancel the potluck portion. We will still be out in the garden from 1:30-4pm to plant garlic and work on some general maintenance. Please join us!

Look at that beautiful compost John is holding. Come spread some on your plot before it disappears.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Time to clean up!

Another wonderful maintenance day. Thank you to all the wonderful volunteers who keep the garden beautiful!

There are still many plots that need to be tended to. We found these beautiful peppers hiding in someones plot and waiting to be picked. If you are unable to come up to your plot please contact me at madeleineberrevoets@gmail.com or 506-292-7646 and we can get someone to take care of it for you!

Our wonderful maintenance leader, John Long with a big bunch of carrots he pulled from his plot. 

Friday, October 4, 2013

Get ready for fall maintenance!

Here are some photos from last years fall clean up. Time is coming. Our next maintenance day is scheduled for October 12th from 1:30-4pm. As an added attraction John Long will be demonstrating how to plant garlic. BYOG (Bring your own garlic) and we will help you plant your own!